Copyright © Brad Stearns. All rights reserved.

A scalable, cost effective route to permanent health and performance improvements for select motivated individuals.  (Contact me for pricing options)


My coaching philosophy and my personal self improvement process derives from a quote that can ultimately be traced to Aristotle:

                      We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. 

As your coach, I will first seek to understand you as a individual, one whose genes, experience, and life circumstances makes you truly unique, and then work with you to slowly and steadily develop behaviors that will first make you healthier and then, eventually, dramatically improve performance in all arenas of your life. 

Together, we will identify and implement small, sustainable steps, that will add up and multiply,  just like compound interest grows a small daily savings plan into a fortune.

We will holistically address your unique 1. nutrition needs, 2. daily movement, 3. stress management practices,  4. rest/sleep patterns, and, if needed, 5. your relationships, to ensure your results are optimized. 

My system is deliberate and comprehensive. It's a long-term process that results in permanent change and personal transformation, built upon sustainable behaviors.  Honestly, there are "No Limits."  

If you're looking for the quick fix, I'm most likely not your coach.  But, if you want guaranteed, permanent results, contact me for a more in-depth discussion. 

ProCoach Demo

I am excited to offer: